Lease/Credit Application

    Please fill out all required fields and submit your Credit Application for Pre Approval for financing!

    Company Name:*

    Company Address:*

    Company City:*

    Company State:*

    Company Zip Code:*

    Company Phone:*

    Email Address:*


    Corperate Structure*

    Number of Owners*

    Number of Employees*

    Owner First Name*

    Owner Last Name*

    Owner Address*

    Owner City*

    Owner State*

    Owner Zip Code*

    Owner SSN

    Social Security Number will be needed for companies with less than 6 years in business.


    If applicable

    Co-Owner First Name

    Co-Owner Last Name

    Co-Owner Address

    Co-Owner City

    Co-Owner State

    Co-Owner Zip Code

    Co-Owner SSN

    Social Security Number will be needed for companies with less than 6 years in business.


    Equipment Type*


    Equipment Year*


    Model Number*

    Equipment Cost*

    I (we) agree to authorize OJL Forklift & Equipment, Inc. and its assigns to full credit reports on the above applicant(s) but not limited to banking relations and personal credit.

    I AGREE*

    (You must select "I Agree" in order for your request for financing to be processed.)